Death Eaters United Wiki

Hey everone! Now this blog update about the last blog. It is about users creating characters that we need. So this just a list of the characters we need. *Note: And whoever want them has all rights to make them whoever they want to be.

We need:

  • characters to run: -Eeylops Owl Emporium
-Scibbulus Writing Instruments
-Quality Quidditch Supplies
-Magical Menagerie
-Flourish and Blotts
-Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
-Ollivanders Wand Shop (I know that I said that that whoever want to create this character can have all rights to make it whoever they want, but this is a exempted to this rule. This character has to be Garrick's son. Not much is know about him including his name. So you can create him but his last name has to be ollivander and his first name should start with a 'G'.)
-Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions (this is an expection also the character has to be Madam Malkin)
-Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour
  • a charcter to be Heads of the Auror Office
  • Advisor to the Minister for Magic
  • Senior Undersecretary to the Minister
  • Junior Assistant to the Minister for Magic
  • Receptionists(3)
  • Hogwarts staff and students

That what I have so far, but we will still need more of them when i them.

11Kiersten (talk) 18:14, November 3, 2012 (UTC)
